

Current Version: 1.2.44     Community Rating:

Kanboard is a project management software that uses the Kanban methodology

Hosting Service Optimized for Kanboard

Kanboard is a project management software that uses the Kanban methodology. Kanboard is not for everybody, it’s made for people who want to manage their projects efficiently and simply.

Cloud VDS Kanboard Solution

Get Kanboard Hosting Now $ 49.95 /mo
  • Kanboard Installation
  • 20GB Disk Space
  • Unlimited Monthly Transfer
  • Root SSH Access
  • Managed Firewall

Kanboard Solution

Get Kanboard Hosting Now $ 129 /mo
  • Kanboard Installation
  • 32GB RAM
  • cPanel Included
  • 480GB SSD + 1TB HDD
  • Choice of Datacenter

Just a few features Kanboard offers:

  • Simple : There is no fancy user interface, Kanboard focus on simplicity and minimalism. The number of features is voluntary limited.

  • Visual and clear overview of your tasks : The Kanban board is the best way to know the current status of a project because it's visual. It's very easy to understand, there is nothing to explain.

  • Search and filter tasks : Kanboard have a very simple query language that offer the flexibility to find tasks in no time.

  • Single dashboard for all projects : Get all important information in one place, your projects, you calendar, your assigned tasks and subtasks.

  • Work in team or alone : Kanboard is designed for small teams but you can also work alone. For each project, you can add members and project managers with more privileges.

  • Tasks, subtasks, attachments and comments : Break down a task into subtasks, estimate the time or the complexity. Describe your task by using the Markdown syntax. Add comments, documents, change the color, the category, the assignee, the due date.

  • Automated actions : Don't repeat yourself! Automate your workflow. Stop doing again and again the same thing manually. Change automatically the assignee, colors, categories and almost anything based on events.

  • Swimlanes : Swimlanes are horizontal separations in your board. You can divide the board into several sections to manage software releases or anything else.

  • Gantt charts : Visualize the timeline of your projects. Allocate resources effectively. Plan your projects in minutes.

  • Analytics and reports : Analyze and improve your workflow by using the cumulative flow diagram or the burndown chart. Visualize the lead and cycle time of your projects.

Check out these Kanboard screenshots.

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